Paint codes

Description: Paint codes

Author: panhead
Date: Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:40 pm
Views: 1139
Category: Colors / Paint

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NameColorLate H-D PartnoEarly H-D PartnoYear(s) usedAlternative(s)
Airway BlueImage9860*-P11601-34*1939DuPont 2115
Anniversary YellowImage9860'-AM1954-55DuPont 72120
Army Drab11629-40*
Atomic BlueImage9860*-V9873*(0)-511955-56
Aztec BrownImage9860*-AO1955DuPont 72590
Azure BlueImage11611-X*1948, 1950
Birch WhiteImage9860'-AV1957-64
BlackImage9860*-C1160*(7)-X1937-'42, 1947-'64
Bronco Bronze MetallicImage9860*-AE1952
Bronze BrownImage11629-37*1937
Calypso RedImage9860*-BB1958-'59
Cavalier BrownImage9860*-AK1953
Champion YellowImage9860”-AP1956DuPont 73365
Clear Varnish9860*-B1162*-X
Clipper BlueImage9860*-Q11628-35*1940
Croydon CreamImage11616-X*1936
Cruiser GreenImage9860*-K11602-41*1941-'42
Cylinder Coating Black--9865*-2711649-X*
Daytona IvoryImage9860*-AL1954DuPont 72121
Delphine BlueImage11628-37*1937
Dusk GreyImage11615-36*1936
Fiesta RedImage9860*-AJ1964
Flamboyant Metallic GreenImage9860*-AR1956DuPont 15081
Flight RedImage9860*-F11626-40*1940-'42, 1946, 1947-'48, 1950
Forest GreenImage9860*-AI1953-'54DuPont 51347
Glacier BlueImage9860*-AH1953-'54DuPont 71944
Glamour GreenImage9860*-AG1953DuPont 10660
Heat Resistant Black--98665-4994922-49
Heat Resistant Silver--9866*-499491*(8)-49
Hi-Fi BlueImage9860*-BG1960-'62, 1964, 1965
Hi-Fi GreenImage9860*-BH1960-'61
Hi-Fi Purple-9860*-BT1962-'63
Hi-Fi RedImage9860*-BF1959-'65
Hi-Fi TurquoiseImage9860*-BE1959, 1963
Holiday RedImage1965
Hollywood GreenImage9860*-J11602-38*1938, 1955DuPont 72665
Horizon Metallic Blue-9860*-CA1963
Leather Lacquer Black-98676-3511655-XC
Marine BlueImage9860*-AF1952
Metallic BlueImage9860*-W9874*(0)-511951
Metallic Congo GreenImage9860*-L9490*(0)-491949
Metallic GreenImage1950, 1951
Metallic Midnight BlueImage9860*-AZ1957
Nile Green-11613-36A1936
Olive GreenImage9860*-I1159*(5)-X1937, 1938, 1947
Peacock BlueImage9860*-T9491*(2)-491949
Pepper RedImage9860*-AJ1953-'57, 1961DuPont 21821H
Persian RedImage9860*-H9866*(0)-511951-'52
Police SilverImage9860*-X11615-41*
Rio BlueImage9860*-V9873*(0)-511951-'52
Riviera BlueImage9860*-U9493*(5)-501950
Royal BuffImage11601-36*1936
Ruby RedImage9860*-G9493*(0)-501950
Sabre Grey MetallicImage9860*-BC1958
Sherwood GreenImage11613-X*1936
SilverImage9860*-E11647-X*1937-'42, 1944, 1947-'64
Skyline BlueImage9860*-AW1957-'60
Skyway BlueImage9860*-R11601-41*1941-'42, 1947Sherwin Williams 4th Dimension base coat
Squadron GreyImage1940
Tango RedImage9860*-BW1962-'63
Teak RedImage11626-X*1937-'39
Tire Black99703-55
Tropical GreenImage9860*-AD1952DuPont 71698K
Venetian BlueImage9860*-Q11628-35*1938
WhiteImage9860*-D11648-X*1938-'49, 1950-'56

Late paint codes: the * (0 - 6) shows the amount of paint:
0 = 1/4 pint can
1 = 1/2 pint can
2 = 1 pint can
3 = 1 quart can
4 = 1 gallon can
5 = spray can
6 = touch up bottle.

Pre-1948 paint codes: the * (A - E) shows the amount of paint:
A = 1/4 pint can
B = 1/2 pint can
C = 1 pint can
D = 1 quart can
E = 1 gallon can

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